Power Weplayvibes
Saturday, 21 January 2017
There’s nothing quite like the
feeling of being in love.
Somehow, food tastes yummier.
Outdoor air seems fresher. Your
perfume smells better. And
nature is just more beautiful to
look at. It’s as if the beauty of the
world is magnified a
hundredfold when you’re in love
right? The little intimacies of a
romantic relationship are
enough to keep you happy for
prolonged periods of time.
You’ve found yourself at a point
in your life where it takes a lot to
put your mood down. You’re
just in a perpetual state of bliss
and happiness with your man.
Sure, like every other couple,
you have your little
disagreements and your rough
patches. But your love is always
enough to overcome any
hurdles that are thrown your
way. You always manage to
knock down any obstacle with
the sheer power of your
romantic love. Whenever the
both of you are together, you
are indeed a sight for sore eyes.
You are the envy of your friends
because you have a love that
seems so raw, natural, and
unforced. They also yearn for a
love like yours.
So you think to yourself: “What
makes our love worth wanting?”
You’re not entirely sure why you
have such a happy love life. You
don’t know what it is about your
relationship that just seems to
click. You don’t know what you’re
doing right, and why your man
loves you so much. Well, no one
else can answer that question
for you, but maybe we can help
you out. Here are some 10
things that your man secretly
loves about you.
1. He loves it
when he can
make you
Trust us, ladies. Whenever a man
who loves you manages to make
you smile, it can brighten up his
whole day. All he wants for you
is to be happy, if he can make
you smile throughout the course
of your relationship, he will feel
like a success.
2. He loves
that he smiles
whenever he
thinks about
He always catches himself
smiling whenever you cross his
mind. Whether he’s thinking
about a funny memory that the
two of you have shared or just
the fact that you’re together is
enough to have him grinning
from ear to ear.
3. He loves
your little
habits that
you’re not
aware of.
It can be anything. Maybe you
twirl your hair. Maybe you crinkle
your nose. Maybe you blink
excessively. It doesn’t matter.
You have your personal little
quirks and he loves all of it. –
4. He loves it
when you
play with his
hair, even
though it
took him a
long time to
style it
Yes, ladies. Men put time and
effort into their hair too. They
hate it when someone just
happens to pat him on the
head, messing up his hairstyle.
Unless of course, you’re the
culprit. He’ll love any playful
gestures of intimacy, even if it
means he’ll have to do a little
extra work on fixing his hair
5. He loves
that he can go
to you for
advice when
he needs it.
He loves that you’re like his
moral compass. He would be
absolutely lost without you and
he knows it. He’s thankful that he
can turn to you whenever a
difficult decision is facing him.
6. He loves
whenever you
get close to
It makes him feel love and
needed whenever you get close
to him. It makes him feel like you
find solace and comfort in his
arms. It also makes him happy
that he gets to be the one to take
care of you when you’re in need.
7. He loves
how you look
so giddy after
he kisses you.
He still likes it when you get
butterflies in your stomach
because of him. He loves it when
he manages to make you warm
and fuzzy inside because of his
smiles and kisses. It makes him
feel loved and appreciated.
8. He loves
how he
doesn’t have
to force
things with
He loves how organic and
natural the course of your
relationship has been. Your
conversations are never forced
and he always finds comfort in
being with you. It’s as if you
don’t even have to work in order
to keep your love alive.
9. He loves
your physical
displays of
intimacy and
He likes it whenever you give him
bear hugs or kisses on the
forehead. It lets him know that
he is being loved by the woman
who he’s also so in love with.
He’ll do whatever it takes to keep
you in his life because you’re the
source of his happiness.
10. He loves
your stolen
He absolutely adores it when he
manages to catch you trying to
steal a glance at him. If he
catches you looking at him, it will
make him feel admired; it makes
him feel good about himself and
it’ll end up boosting his ego a
Talk to me
Men, what do you love about
your partner?
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Title :
Things Your Man
Secretly Loves
About You
Description : There’s nothing quite like the feeling of being in love. Somehow, food tastes yummier. Outdoor air seems fresher. Your perfume smell...
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