Only a few girls dare to chase men
openly, but all of them use the tricks
to attract them. Men, you should
beware of these. They can indicate a
girl likes you and tries to attract your
1. Makeup
Indeed it does wonder in
transforming an ordinary woman into
a beauty. If a girl knows how to use
this art, most likely, you have never
seen her real face. You may not even
know her without the makeup. And
she invests time and money in her
great looks, too. However, some girls
naturally overdo it and attain just the
opposite effect. Still, she tried to hard
you and that counts.
2. Short skirts
Men love to look and see hotties.
Women skillfully use it to make you
watch her and think of her all the
time. So, if the girl starts wearing
shorter outfit when she meets you,
beware, she likes you!
3. High heels
These make her feet look so much
sexier, but wearing them may hurt.
So, even if you have to pay for the
date, keep in mind, she pays her price
to look her best for you!
4. Tone of Voice
It becomes so velvety, low and sexy.
She got those tones saved for her very
special occasions and men. Do not
think she would waste them for
someone she is not into.
5. Sexy lingrie
You can see it from under her
clothes. Even if she does not plan on
having sex with you right away, these
lovely items on her body boost her
self-confidence. She feels differently
wearing a nice and hot lingerie when
talking to you.
Want a bet? If she undoes all the
makeup and hair, you won’t even
know who she is! Some girls use hair
extensions and other tricks to fool the
men and get them hooked. Again
such things are time-consuming and
costly, but they always pay off.
7. Personality
A self-confident girl shines like a star
in the sky. Even when she does not
wear any makeup or high heels, she
captures men’s glances and attracts
suitors. So, if she is open to you and
you have fun being around her, most
likely she is into you and wants you to
respond back to her efforts.
Knowing these seven tricks can help
you to spot an opportunity for dating
and love.
By: Gideon
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DATING: 7 Top Tricks Ladies Use to Catch A Guy!!! | @360Rhymez_com
Description : Only a few girls dare to chase men openly, but all of them use the tricks to attract them. Men, you should beware of these. They ca...
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